Field Trip Report:
Cumberland Island, Georgia
November 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 2003
Hello all, Cumberland Island was great! Oh that's right I was going to Pa. but I took a wrong turn and headed south instead, after looking at the weather I decided not to freeze my rocks off up north but hunt for fossils down south, it was a good choice, 70 degrees with a light breeze, perfect for digging. Cumberland Island is located in southern Ga. at the boarder of Ga. and Florida, there is no road to the island you have to make a reservation on a boat or bring your own boat to get to the island. I have been fossil hunting here for 9 years. At one time the south end of the island had dredge piles several feet high that had been imported from the Cumberland sound, these piles are gone now so I had to locate a new collecting area, this site was near the central part of the island and it produced some excellent material, there are also lots of wild animals to see.
This is the remains of the Dungeness Mansion on the south end of the island.
This fellow was asking about a job working at the Silver Armadillo rock shop here in Asheville.
Lots of wild horses to be seen.
The sunset after the first day on the island.
The crew knew I was coming so they stocked up on special life jackets.
The German Shovel worked great on the new dredge piles we worked.
Some of the finds, RJ found the 3.5" Meg tooth, also 2" Mako teeth were found, Porpoise ear bones, Ray teeth and a lot more.
I have separated about half of the teeth, fossil bones etc already, around 500 teeth from .25" to 3.5", skull pieces, Ray teeth, Crusher plates and more.
A great way to spend thanksgiving !!!